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  • 執筆者の写真silentminutejp

思いで満たされる沈黙~~黙想の種 for サイレントミニッツ

2019年12月21日午後9時(日本時間22日午前6時)のグローバルサイレントミニッツにむけて、「Silence~沈黙」に関する日々の「黙想の種」をお伝えています。「thought seeds」は黙想の種であり、善き種。それを唱えることで細胞に落とし込み、霊的進化を導く力と恩恵があります。沈黙をより深く理解するためにアグニヨガの教えは「thought seed for silent minute」として、以下のページに掲載されています。

After all the demarcations have been made, we inevitably arrive at the synthesis of the heart. We need not mention that silence arises from an intermingling of all the sounds. So let us learn to correlate the heart with silence. But this silence will not be a void; it will saturate space with the synthesis of thought. Just as a heartfelt prayer has no need of words, a saturated silence has no need of formulas. An intensified silence requires creation of many strata of thought as well as many benevolent desires. So the heart, intensified by silence and full of energy like an electric generator, beats out the rhythm of the Universe, and personal desires are transformed into the all-guiding Universal Will. That is how cooperation with the distant worlds develops. Heart, 68





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